באַניצער:קיין ומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן
- no bias — קיין אומוויסנדיק פּרעפֿערענצן — keyn umvisndik preferentsn talk contribs 23:05, 18 יולי 2019 (UTC)
primordial image for Berggrens's tree made by Michael Hardy in 2011 using (a, b, c) values
provocative presentation of Berggrens's tree using (a, b) pairs only
improved/reordered svg code for Berggrens's tree
improved/reordered svg code for Berggrens's tree including path values
multikey approach: Berggrens's tree showing (m, n), (u, v) and (b, n) keys
Price's tree using (a, b, c) values
provocative presentation of Price's tree using (a, b) pairs only
Price's tree including path values